Open today from: 10-17
Open today from: 10-17
Open today from: 10-17
Open today from: 10-17
Open today from: 10-17
Open today from: 12-17
Open today from: 12-17


The Greenlandic contemporary artist Ivínguak' Stork Høegh engages in dialogue with older works by Christine Deichmann, Oda Isbrand, Ellen Locher Thalbitzer, Emilie Demant Hatt and Jette Bang

5 October 2024—16 February 2025

Contemporary artist Ivínguak` Stork Høegh (b. 1982) works in digital photo collages with views of the Arctic, where she humorously plays with stereotypical notions of the exotic, which are staged and renegotiated.

Christine Deichmann (1869-1945), Oda Isbrand (1904-1987), Ellen Locher Thalbitzer (1883-1956), Emilie Demant Hatt (1873-1958) and Jette Bang (1914-1964) all traveled to Greenland before 1940. As Greenland travelers female artists, they have largely been written out of Danish art history. Unlike their male colleagues, they did not depict magnificent landscapes and Inuit in national costume, instead they depicted women and children in everyday situations, which are not only looked at, but also look back at the viewer.

In a dialogue between contemporary art and older works, the exhibition explores art's colonial gaze on Greenland, as well as when the same gaze is thrown back at the viewer and renegotiated.

The exhibition is curated by Laila Lund Altinbas and Stine Lundberg Hansen and generously supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation and the Ny Carlsberg Foundation